Monday, November 16, 2009

The perks of being a wallflower final entry

Charlie sees and hears a lot of things and he's very emotional toward them. He faints often and he ends up in the bed at the hostpital because he uses drugs and he's not tough mentally. He learns that he can be himself and be honest to other people. He doesn't have to keep his feelings. He often says he loves his family because around him there are many bad parents who have bad influence to their children and children screw up. By saying that he's making sure that his parents are good and he's a good boy. But he's scared sometimes. The significance is that he learns the way children grew deoends on their parents but children are not always bad just because thier parents are bad. So he felt better and thats what he learns and the significance of this book.
I enjoyed this book because charlie's perspective is very unique. I never experienced that my favourite person died so I guess thats the new perspective I got from Charlie. After I cry I feel healthier but after charlie cries his heart is still broken so that's painful. Moreover he's mentally sick and fragile. i hope i help someone who is like charlie.

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